Health & Safety Policy

 Quality Health & Safety  Policy:

Purpose and Scope:

A2Z Technologies Ltd. maintaining multifaceted business activities with innovation, development, direct and indirect growth in National Economy .The Company also engage with International Partners to be evolved in technology transfer, project developments, consultancy, commodities supply, mineral and Power & Energy. We are also focused on providing the best quality of services through excellence, innovation, and continual improvement of quality.


Committed to:

  1. Providing and maintaining a safe place work, with safe means of entry and exit.
  2. Providing and Maintaining safety equipment and system of work.
  3. Providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment and reducing health & safety risks.
  4. The control of the health & safety risks arising from work activities.
  5. Providing and maintaining the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to protect safety and health at work


Policy Statement:

A2Z technologies Ltd. overall health & safety objective is to minimize the risk of work-related injuries and occupational ill-health at all locations under Company management control. Specifically, it is the Company’s objective that the following ‘minimum control arrangements’ are in place at all place like administrative work and project work.

  1. Employee access to and basic understanding of this Policy.
  2. Documented responsibilities for H&S at work.
  3. Up-to-date H&S risk assessments and fire risk assessments.
  4. The provision of necessary H&S information, instruction and training.
  5. The provision and use of necessary personal protective equipment (PPE).
  6. Arrangements for emergency response / evacuation, first aid and occupational health.
  7. Documented procedures / safe systems of work, where necessary to establish and maintain a safe and healthy working environment.
  8. H&S control arrangements for contractors and visitors
  9. Communication and consultation with employees (and their representatives) on H&S issues
  10. Monitoring, investigation and reporting of any incidents and accidents.
  11. Every employee have to be use safety equipment at time of hazardous substances and dangerous work.
  12. At least two driver have be present for driving car at night time.
  13. Drug addicted people are not allow in the company.


A2Z technologies Ltd is committed to complying with all laws and regulations. This Policy provides guidance on our individual responsibility to comply with appropriate laws.

Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal in appropriate circumstances. It is therefore extremely important that you familiarize yourself with this Policy and strictly adhere to it.



Employee (and Contractor / Visitor) Responsibilities:


It is the duty of every    employee whilst at    work,     and   of any contractors / visitors at Company facilities:

  1. To take  reasonable  care  for  the health  &  safety of themselves  and  others  who  may be affected by their acts or omissions.
  2. To cooperate with colleagues, line management and the Company on health & safety matters
  3. To not intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare
  4. To report any health & safety concerns to their line manager and / or the site H&S Coordinator / Manager

Line Management Responsibilities:

Effectively establishing and maintaining day-to-day health & safety at work is a line management responsibility. At each location where the Company has management control, responsibility for health & safety follows the line management structure; from the site’s senior manager to the site senior management team, through middle managers / supervisors / team leaders, to individual employees.


It is the responsibility of local Management teams and Continuous improvement:

  1. Health & Safety Manager / Coordinator
  2. All locations where the Company has management control shall have an identified Health & Safety Coordinator and/or Manager, whose job function includes the coordination of health & safety control arrangements at that location. However, this position does not remove or substitute for others direct and delegated health & safety responsibilities as outlined above.
  3. The company Executive Team members to implement this policy document within the functions under their control/responsibility.
  4. The Board to undertake an every six month review policy to control arrangements and performance.
  5. The Board develop continuous developed the policy by observing previous report.


Control Arrangements:


Group-level Control Arrangements:

A2Z Technologies Ltd. shall have in place and shall maintain a Group Occupational Health & Safety Management System:

  1. This policy document, its H&S Objectives, Responsibilities for H&S and Control Arrangements
  2. Group ‘Health & Safety Standards, an OHS Manual / Guidelines.
  3. Global performance monitoring, auditing and reporting arrangements.


Site-level Control Arrangements:

All locations under Company management control shall have in place and maintain necessary health & safety control arrangements; as required by this policy document, the nature of and hazards posed by their operations, their H&S risks & opportunities and their applicable legal requirements.